March in remembrance of our friend, Sista Mimi – 13. December

Today, Saturday, the 13th of December, at 14h we are holding a march for our beloved Sista Mimi who passed away on Wednesday 10th December, 2014. We will start at Oranienplatz and walk to the Info Point of the school, where we will have a press conference. Sista Mimi died last wednesday afternoon peacefully at…

“Flüchtling Mimi ist gestorben. Ihr Gesicht, ihre Stimme für den Protest.” – Tagesspiegel

Sara Schurmann schreib: Mimi, das Gesicht der Flüchtlingsproteste in Berlin. Immer in der ersten Reihe. – Mimi, eine der zentralen Figuren der Flüchtlingsproteste in Berlin, ist gestorben. Am Donnerstag gedachten ihrer Unterstützer, Freunde und Anwohner vor der besetzten Gerhart-Hauptmann-Schule in Kreuzberg. Mimis Enttäuschung konnte man sehen, hören, fühlen. Die Parole des Flüchtlingsprotests „Say it loud, say it…

Nine Days on the Roof (video)

On the 24th of June, 2014 the district of Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg made an operation called “voluntary moving”. The idea was to empty the former Gerhart-Hauptmann school, occupied by refugees since December 2012. The procedure involved over 1000 police officers and blocked the complete neighbourhood. From the 300 of the school’s inhabitants, around 40 people didn’t accept…

With Mali in Political Turmoil, High FGM Rates Persist

BAMAKO, Mali — In the primarily Francophone and Anglophone region of West Africa, Mali is said to have one of the highest rates of female genital mutilation, with about 91 percent of girls and women having undergone the circumcision — a rate that has not only stayed stubbornly high but may also be inching upward.…

No Border Lasts Forever – Interview with Radio Dreyeckland Frankurt

Auf  der “No border lasts forever” Konferenz sprach Radio Dreyeckland mit den  Frauenaktivistinnen des womenspace der besetzten Schule in Kreuzberg.   Auf der Konferenz gaben sie einen workshop mit dem Titel “Fight   racism,fight sexism : towards women emanzipation”. Im ersten Teil des Interviews beschreiben die Frauen vom internationalen Women Space ihre alltägliche Arbeit , in der…

You cannot evict a movement! on The Voices,

Topics for this week’s radio programme YOU CANNOT EVICT A MOVEMENT: We will be talking to refugee activist about their experiences in the occupied old school building at Ohlauerstr., Berlin. The case of OURY JALLOH and announcement The VOICE 20th Anniversary The War in Palestine Themen der dieswöchigen Sendung sind: Eine Bewegung lässt sich nicht…